Well, he is 17. I can't believe that my first born is that old. I have a friend who reminds me frequently of my age and this time I told her that at least I'm still young at heart. We (the whole two families) went to Fudruckers for dinner on his birthday. It was a nice time. We got to celebrate a great kid.

Christian is 17!!! Can you believe it?
Walking around at Fudruckers for brothers birthday dinner
This is Ellie, One of Christians other sisters. (he has three)

Grandma and Sammy talking to the boys

He got a new hat.
Samantha is getting so big so fast. Walking around everywhere. I call her my little natural disaster because that's what the house looks like after she passes through it just once. I truely cannot keep up with her. On a the positive side, she is the one person that makes me laugh, everyday.

Mama and Doo being Silly.

She had to have the shoes on....

Still has to have the shoes on....

Just a sweet face

I think she is watching Tinker Bell.

Just being silly

Daddy is singing Doo to sleep at naptime

Needs daddy to sing her to sleep for naptime.
(She wanted in, I didn't make her)

Pretty smile

This is why mama is gonna flunk out of school.
Someone is always in the way.

Sometimes she is helpfull
(at least she thinks she is)

Just a happy girl.

Big kiss from Katie

Sammy is Katies girl too.

Me and Katie

Newly engaged.
Woo Hoo

Not sure what they were thinking

Yes, that is tabasco

Daddys' can be princesses too.

Of course she is a princess. She even has the tiarra.

I didn't show you what the floor looks like.
There are usually books in there.

Pretty princess

Now that is one cool chick.

See my earrings?

Sleeping beauty

Now that's a hand full.
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